Bigga West Section Meeting
Aitkens 17-8-15
A new format is being used for section minutes and throughout the Region
Please see links below to the section minutes
Bigga West Section Meeting
Aitkens 13-4-15
Bigga West Section Meeting
Aitkens 17-8-15
A new format is being used for section minutes and throughout the Region
Please see links below to the section minutes
Bigga West Section Meeting
Aitkens 13-4-15
Bigga West Section Meeting
Aitken’s 26th January 2015
In attendance-
Gerry Bruen Gordon Howat Fraser Ross
Stuart Taylor Brian Hillan Ronnie Myles Michael
Minutes of last meeting-
Proposed G Howat seconded F Ross
Chairman’s Report read by FR.
RM reported great night at
Sings restaurant with a good turnout in Numbers.
First class day at Stirling Golf Club very enjoyable meal
and congratulations to all the award winners also to the continued support of
our patrons.
Attended Harrogate show fist class show and great turn out
from the west section also attended AGM.
Financial Report –
FR reported £771 in bank at present this
was after payment of £250 for AGM at Haggs Castle, Also £420 for night out.
Board of management Minutes-
no concerns brought up from
last minute.
Regional Board minutes –
As above
GB Blog
doing very well at present with lots of hits on the education page.
Attended education gathering at Harrogate good to meet up
with all other conveners from other sections.
GB thought there could be some confusion with the new South
West section name,
All agreed that patrons have not to be asked for sponsorship
of AGMs education days/ seminars but if they offered to help it would be ok as
long as they were thanked for their support and not sponsorship.
GB commented on how good the education package was at this
year’s show.
GB will advertise on West Blog for the up and coming
Scottish conference.
GB education day being arranged for Williamwood GC in
association with Souter’s 18/2/2015, CPD point available for the day.
Membership –
General discussion no problems brought to
Golf/Social events
GH Now in control of outings and all over events.
GB handed over checklist and prize breakdown depending on how many attend event.
Spring outing arrangements going well.
GH to contact Haggs Castle RE –AGM
FR to contact Whitecraigs RE- future golf outing.
FR to contact Paisley RE- future golf outing.
GH thought it would be a good idea to send a friend/mentor
to Harrogate for the BTME show along with the patron’s winner as it can be a
bit overwhelming being down on your own.
This will be discussed again at the next meeting.
Meeting Closed 4.55
Date of next meeting to be confirmed
Bigga West Section Minute
Aitkin’s 10th
November 2014
Meeting opened 4pm
In attendance –
Fraser Ross, Ronnie Myles, Stuart Taylor,
Gordon Howat, Michael Slack
Gerry Bruen, Brian Hillen
Secretary’s Report –
FR reported on dates for spring outing
at Clober GC agreed Thursday 23rd April and autumn hopefully at East
Numbers for night out at present 26
Funds in bank at present just under a thousand pounds will
submit statement at next meeting.
Chairman’s Report-
Ronnie thanked the section for giving him
the opportunity to be chairman.
Ronnie thanked all
those on committee for their hard work over the past few years, also a great
vote of thanks to John Brown and Davy McBride who have now stepped down.
Education Report-
Ronnie read out Gerry’s report in his
absence main points being setting up link on blog with main training provider
GOSTA training
The Scottish National has made funds available so each
section can award 4 free places for the Scottish tournament Michael Maxton East
Kilbride and Chris Prior Bearsden have been awarded the first two the second
two will be from the spring outing.
Around the green was discussed if there isn’t much happening
in the section then the calendar of events should go in each month.
General discussion on start times for Golf outing it was
decided at present to keep to the same times.
General discussion on Green keeper international question to
be asked on how much it costs per month to print and distribute and if it has
run its course as most thinks are done on line now.
FR to ask JY about the funding for the section re- education
General discussion on education seminars at AGM in general
everyone thought that they were very interesting and informative, many thanks
to Rigby Taylor and Everris for taking time out to support the section.
Patrons award this was discussed in great detail with two
candidates both were taken on merit and after a vote which was unanimous in the
body of the meeting Andrew Orr from Drumpelier golf club was put forward from
the section for the award.
Annual night out numbers sitting at 26 Alan Jack to be
contacted to raise it up to 30 if possible and closing date to be Monday the 17th
of November.RM asked the possibility to take new committee member
Michael Slack to the Patrons dinner in December rest of committee agreed and
funds are to be made available from the section.
Gerry to keep a close eye on payments from members who are
going to the night out and contact FR with updates.
Chairman thanked those in attendance.
Meeting closed 5.15
Date of next meeting to be advised.
Scottish West Section AGM 2014
Thank you to all who attended and Rigby Taylor - Everris for CPD slot afterwords.
Please see link to the chairman's address.
Minutes of meeting to follow
Minute of BIGGA West section meeting Aitkin’s
18th August 2014
In attendance.
G Bruen, F Ross, John Brown, David McBride, Ronnie Myles,
John Young (Regional administrator )
S Taylor, B Hillan
Previous minute
proposed F Ross, Seconded GBruen
Secretary’s Report
FR reported money in bank at present £1270.00 a £50 donation
made to the Ayrshire section for the Harry diamond trophy.
Not much happening at present as everyone busy hard at work
during golfing season.
FR sent letter to East Renfrewshire re- spring outing 2015.
FR to arrange engraving of all trophies for back end of the
Chairman’s Report
GB spoke on a wide range of topics from the previous board
meeting one main point regarding possible change in dress code for outings
Pointed out that
Northern Ireland no longer has a section.
Discussion on young green keepers committee more talks to
take place.
Bernard’s demo day cancelled due to lack of interest may try
and tie this in with another seminar.
Gerry thanked Fraser for a successful Scottish tournament at
Education Report, Verbal report from David McBride at
present working on seminars course walks for the future.
JY to arrange outing for Courock prizes raffles etc
JY general discussion on courtesy golf and better ways of
policing this.
All general discussion on casual wear at golf outings this
would be in line with the clubs rules and clearance from committee.
JY patron’s award for section to be decided by September
head green keepers could nominate member from their own course if CPD points in
JY reported educational survey now in information outcome
discussed at meeting.
JY annual workshops arrange d for autumn/winter on arrange
of different topics and venues.
FR to contact Haggs Castle GC possibility of AGM Thursday 23rd
October 2015
GB discussed arrangement for night out will contact BH to
see what he thinks will probable return to our usual venue Q Italia same date
as last year 28th November Friday.
JY new constitution being drawn up for the association
JY general discussion on funding proposals for sections.
General, possible change of date for Scottish tournament
also bring back Norrie Whytoch to 3 man team.
Chairman thanked those in attendance.
Meeting Closed 5.20
Date of next meeting to be confirmed
Bigga West Section
Minute of meeting Held 17/02/2014 Aitkin’s 4pm
Meeting opened 4pm
In attendance- Ronnie Myles, Fraser Ross, John Brown, David
McBride, Brian Hillan
Gerry Bruen Stuart Taylor
Chairman Report
Ronnie stood in for GB as he was attending
Funeral not much to report on and as quiet time of year GB will update any news at next Meeting.
Secretary’s Report
FR attended show in Orlando
USA first class show great
to see the comparisons with Harrogate .
FR working on golf outings for 2015 possible courses East Renfrewshire , Milingavie.
Education, Letter from Bernhard’s possible seminar DM will
contact and report back.
DM reported possibility of seminar at Aitkin’s for later in
the year David will be in discussions with Craig Aitken to arrange dates.
DM will be attending Education day at Cleveland potash with the rest of the
Scottish Education team.
RM asked FR to contact Courock golf club to find out the
extent of the donation to be paid for the autumn outing RM thought there were
plenty of courses available that would not expect this donation this was voted
on and back up by the body of the hall.
BH spoke about increase in honorarium for Secretaries post
as it has not been increased for some time FR to take this to next Scottish
FR pointed out that in his opinion some payment should be
given to Gerry Bruen for his hard work with the blog.
JB spoke on the general situation within green keeping at
present and thought it would be a good idea for advice to be given from other
green keepers or a representative from BIGGA.
A general discussion was taken and the general consensus was
that it would be a good idea for BIGGA to appoint an officer in this area.
RM Thanked those in attendance meeting closed 5pm
Date of next meeting 14th April 2014
Bigga West Section meeting 3rd December 2013 minute
Meeting opened 4pm
In Attendance- Gerry Bruen , Fraser Ross, John Brown Brian Hillan, Ronnie Myles,
Stuart Taylor, David McBride
Bruce Cruickshank
Previous minute -
Proposed DM, Seconded ST
Chairman’s Report-
Thank committee for there help and meeting
before AGM to discuss cpd and other business. AGM run smoothly thank you to all
who attended
Tuesday 12th November attended board meeting,
point’s benevolent fund now set up, general discussion on patronage scheme,
Future AGM venue, and AGM notice could be advertised in the magazine to save on postage.
Discussion on possible funding for level 3 svq
Thursday 14th attended Loch Lomond Education day
thank you to David Cole and Peter
Haggerty which was a first class day.
Many thanks to Davy McBride for arranging the day.
Friday 22nd December- Annual night out Qua Italia
28 in Attendance feedback was good everyone seemed to enjoy there evening.
Secretary’s Report
AGM went very well with a good upturn in the finances making
over £200 profit.
Attended board meeting with Gerry Terraces Stirling points
mentioned in Gerry’s report.
Attended Loch Lomond
education day one of the best days I have been at David McBride has to be
thanked for the hard work arranging the day.
Emails sent out to possible new committee member.
Very interesting day at Loch Lomond
hopefully we will return for future visits.
Harrogate 2014 most seminars fully booked, Dates are 19-22nd
January book early to avoid disappointment.
CPD is now up and running on the web site easy to operate and
FR to contact club masters possible re-instatement of match,
FR TO CONTACT Easter Moffat spring outing, GB General Discussion on how the
section is financed and ways to change in the future.
ST Reported on the
way forward with competitions and general golf days this included times of year
cost and numbers Stuart will be working on this and report back next meeting.
Committee in general happy with re-instatement of patron’s
dinner Fraser, Stuart, David, Ronnie will be attending.
Committee passed on their condolences on the passing of
Stuart Clayton formerly of Scott Lube.
Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.
FR welcomed Ronnie Myles to his first meeting as vice
Meeting closed 5pm- Chairman thanked those in attendance.
Chairmans report AGM Haggs castle golf club Oct 24 2013
Section level
As a
committee we held 4 meetings is the last year and in-between meetings e mail
was used to keep each other up to speed and the blog to communicate with the
would like to take this opportunity to thank John Brown, David McBride, Brian
Hillen ,
Taylor for there time and hard work given to the section over the last year.
were a few very hard months for our Secretary Fraser with his father becoming
very ill and recently passing on behalf of the section please accept our
deepest condolences.
committee are always looking out for new blood so to speak personally I would
like to see an assistant or deputy on the committee so please if you are interested
make your self known to anyone on the current committee.
of organising for events is finalised at section meetings and it was agreed to
draw up a checklist showing exactly what is needed to be done for each event
outlining things like what the prize fund would be depending on the number of
Hillen played a big part in this thank you
agreed to retain all trophies as it was becoming more challenging to retrieve
them when the next event came round and engraving cost is cheaper if we get it
all done at once.
We are
still one trophy down 3rd class in the autumn and we are trying our best to
find its location, if any one can help please let us know.
I feel
the deadline for entering golf outings & the draw published on the blog before
the event was a success I cant imagine doing it any other way for all the
obvious reasons catering, division of categories, organising prizes etc so it
is our intension to carry this on next year.
you to Aitkens for the use of the board room for our meetings.
and Fraser attend regional board meetings in Stirling
chaired by Andy Ohara and organised by our Regional Administrator John Young.
I have
enjoyed these meetings the professionalism and structure shown has been excellent.
year the staff from HQ and our national chairman Tony Smith did a number of
road shows which was tied in with a board meeting.
was a great opportunity to understand what the association’s main focuses are
and to have direct questions with them.
I have
no concerns about the people at the helm and there dedication to improve our
have the education side through section seminars and BTME,
social side through golf outings, annual nights out,
the two areas we all could help improve the association are membership &
members we should try and promote the association to non members
again as members we should support education events and take control of our own
steel a phrase from John Young this is the associations silver bullet.
is what will set members aside from none members and also the recognition given
for accumulated credits with the highest being a diploma.
assistants and deputies what better a way to show a interview panel that you
are a active member of the association and are up to date with all that is
going on in the industry at the moment.
would encourage each member to firstly enrolee then claim your credits for
events you have attended.
Young has worked hard to revamp the patrons package and seek out company's who
would potentially come on board.
doing so the numbers have increased and John has reinstated the patrons dinner.
A big
thank you to the patrons for your continued support it is very much appreciated
by the region.
years patrons award nominee is Bryan Ramsey from Glasgow golf club.
committee agreed to make CPD points part of the decision / selection process
when nominating candidates in the future.
/ Event
night: last November Qua Italia 31 trade / members attended I had a good night
so I was told and feedback generally was good.
Again I always enjoy my few days at Harrogate
I was surprised how quite it was on the Tuesday but this did give me a
opportunity to have a good look around the show.
were back to normal on the wed & thu and I sat in on 4 of the education
attended the AGM with Fraser and Stuart congratulations to last years master
green keepers and also the members recognised for there accumulated CPD points.
Conference: If I am not wrong this was Johns 1st event and am glad to say it
was a success it was a sale out, all speakers were excellent although I must
confess I didn’t share the chap’s enthusiasm who was speaking about earth worm
outing: Buchanan Castle , CM Ronnie Myles.
outing: Eastwood, CM Neil Lindsay.
match: Douglas Park, CM Drew Mckechnie, Green keepers retained trophy
Whytock: Auchterarder, CM Archie Dunn west section team
Taylor, Douglas Macintosh, Alistair Reid, Peter Boyd winners
to the events prize winners
you to all the clubs for hosting the events and a special thank you to the
Course Managers and there teams for all there efforts and the excellent
condition each course was in.
special congratulations (to a friend of mine from Cathkin Braes golf club truly
a exceptional golfer Gordon Sangster)
year he managed scratch winner in both spring & autumn outings and won both
the Scottish and National bigga championships.
Gordon I look forward to you turning pro and leaving the us amateurs to get on
with it.
conclude I have enjoyed my year as chairman and have had allot of support along
the way I look forward to my final year working with the committee and seeing
you all at forth coming bigga events.
Minute of west
section Meeting Aitken’s
Monday 9th
Meeting opened 4.00pm
In Attendance
G Bruen, F Ross, J Brown, B Hillen, S Taylor,
D McBride, R Myles (co-opted)
Previous minute proposed
ST and DM
Secretary’s Report
FR reported now receiving bank
statements, attended board meeting with GB Terraces Stirling 27th
Congratulated the section on winning the Norrie Whytoch
Reported the AGM arranged for Haggs Castle Thursday 24th
October, venue for 2015 spring outing East Renfrewshire.
Membership of section at present 167
Will be attending working group meeting 23rd
October Stirling.
Chairman’s Report
GB Scottish National Tournament Largs GC
congratulations to Ian Barr and his team for the first class
condition of the course my apologies I
could not be their due to my Daughter’s birth day.
Attended the Open at Muirfeild first class day visited the
BIGGA tent met with a few of the volunteers and staff.
Monday 5th August met with John Young to discuss
patronage scheme and CPD for members and several other points.
27th August attended board meeting with FR points
from meeting, way forward with courtesy golf for member, change in payment to section, pop ups to be
in place for advertising at outings, possible patrons dinner at Gleneagles
Education Report
DM meeting attended on the 28th
May Terraces action register now in place for education updates, conference
well in hand for 2014, Loch Lomond
education day re-booked for October days will be posted on blog.
Committee members to register for CPD scheme ASAP.
Meeting arranged with GOSTA training and Elmwood College
October to discuss lack of students being put forward for Green Keeper of the
year award.
Possible walk round Gleneagles venue of the 2014 Ryder cup
DM has a few irons in the fire for seminars education days
over the next couple of years.
ST to ask Bryan Ramsey re-patrons award.
General discussion on future outings.
General discussion on terms of office regarding committee
members decided to keep the guidelines at present.
BH – to look in to possible venues of night out
General committee discussion on change of bank account.
GB- CPD forms to be made available at AGM, also sign in
sheet to be ticked off for food.
Meeting Closed 5.10pm
Chairman thanked those in attendance
Next meeting Monday 21st October 013
Bigga West section Meeting Monday 3rd June 2013
Meeting opened 4.02
In Attendance
Stuart Taylor Gerry Bruen David McBride John
Brown Fraser Ross
Brian Hillen
Secretary’s Report
42 entries to our spring outing, first class day many thanks
to all the committee for their hard work on the day and to Buchanan
for courtesy of there course.
From now on Trophies will be kept in house and engraved at
the end of each golf season, this will keep better track of where they are,
Secretary/ Green Keepers Match draw on the day Green Keepers
retain the trophy.
Membership at present 154
Golf outings to be arranged for 2014 ASAP.
Balance of account approximately £1,112.00 awaiting
statement from bank.
Chairman Report-
February 28th attended board meeting association
heading in a good direction with lots of good ideas put across.
Thursday 25th April chairman commented on the
smooth running and thanked everyone for their hard work.
Wednesday 8th May Played in the secretary’s match
at Douglas park thanked Drew for the good
condition of the course.
Tuesday 21st May Attended board meeting BTME 2014
sold out, discussion on strengthening BIGGA membership, patrons lunch to start
back up, also changes to the CPD scheme in the BIGGA magazine.
Dm spoke on several ideas for the future seminars course
walks and on meeting he had attended with the Scottish education committee.
Date will be made available over the next couple of months.
Discussion on general membership, protocol for playing golf
giving prior notice and not taking advantage of the bigga card.
FR, Email Eastwood to
arrange new date for autumn outing.
List to be made up of possible courses for outings in the
next few years.
Team for Norrie Whytoch Trophy, winners of there classes at
the spring outing, Gordon Sangster, Stuart Taylor, David McBride, John Brown,
Fraser Ross and Gerry Bruen reserve.
General discussion on prizes for outings more discussions to
take place at next meeting.
Patron to be selected
from the section FR to look in to.
Possible joint education days with Ayrshire.
Chairman thanked those in attendance, meeting closed 5.15
Monday 18th
February 2013
In Attendance
Fraser Ross, Gerry Bruen, Brian Hillen, John
Brown, David McBride, Stuart Taylor, John Young Regional administrator.
Gerry Bruen welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Secretary’s Report-
Section quiet at present as now in winter, FR commented on the great
turn out at BTME from the section and Scotland in General, orginizeasion going
to plan for Spring outing and hopefully numbers will be up, at present awaiting
on the bank transfer from Gavin Jarvis.
Chairman’s Report
GB commented on the good turnout at the Italian restaurant
for our annual night out most folk seemed to enjoy.
GB thanked BH for his work on checklist for golf outing
& depending on number of entrants how the prize fund should be divided.
A good turnout at Harrogate met up with some old friends and attended
several seminars, also AGM along with ST and FR.
Looking forward to conference and good attendance from
David McBride spoke on his disappointment of the
trip to Loch Lomond being cancelled but will
re arrange this for later 2013.
Also a possible trip to Gleneagles and David has several
other plans for the year ahead.
ST mentioned possible friendly Football match and to report
back on arrangements.
FR in contact with Ronnie Myles regarding price for food at
JY reported on possible challenge match with the Midlands section.
FR possible Dates for autumn outing 4th or the 17th
of September, to report back.
General discussion on sponsorship of AGM this will have to be
looked into.
28th February Date for next Scottish Meeting
terraces Stirling .
JY spoke on education in general ways of tying it in to be
more centralised
JY on the possibility of a Scottish section Web site, also
to consider a change to the date of the conference in the future.
General discussion on patrons and how to enhance the
relationship for the better of both green keepers and there self.
ST to look at re-vamp of outings regarding prizes and
general costs.
GB no more need for fixture diary as all information is now
available on the West section blog.
Chairman thanked those in Attendance meeting closed 5.10pm
Date of next meeting to be posted on Blog
Minutes of BIGGA West Section Meeting
19th November 2012 Aitkens
Meeting opened 4.05 pm
In attendance –
Gerry Bruen,
Fraser Ross, John Brown, Stuart Taylor, Brian Hillen
Previous minute –
John Brown, Seconded Gerry Bruen.
Secretary’s Report-
All went
well at AGM – 25 in attendance many thanks to Sherriff amenity for sponsoring
the day and to Gary Smith and Simon Ferguson for a first class seminar, also to
for use of their clubhouse.
Dates to be
arrange for spring and autumn outings.
Annual night
out approximately 30 members at present .The patron’s award winners will be
informed of trip to Harrogate in due course.
I am meeting
with john Young on the 21st November to discuss change over from
My self and
GB attended the Scottish board meeting during November.
Chairman’s Report
October 25th
- Thanks to Gavin for his correction of the Chairman’s report on the day
of the AGM.
GB felt the
committee as a whole ran the AGM very well with no issues arising.
October 28th
- Provisionally booked Qua Italia for 20 people they will be flexible with the
number and need a final confirmation on the 28th November.
I have been
contacted by Nairn Brown and Rigby Taylor enquiring about a link to the
companies on the blog page.
November 2nd-
Meeting with John Young outline his proposals for better structure and
continuity within the different sections.
November 23rd-
GB attended his first board meeting, Stuart Taylor now past chairman new
chairman Andy O Hara, john Young explained to all his views on the structure he
would like to implement
numbers 910. Scottish patron’s numbers are at 21 & JY hoping to get to 30
DM has
arranged a trip to Loch Lomond Golf Club on the 10th of December
information will be put on the blog ASAP, Limited number so first come first
DM received
a letter from Bernhard and company offering possible education days in the
future, to be discussed at next meeting.
discussion about the minutes of meeting to be made available to general
membership via blog.
GB thanked
Gavin for work on the evening before the AGM amending typo chairman’s report
FR asked is
it clear enough on different categories of membership, as this could encourage
a wider range of different job titles within the industry to join.
FR has
offered to pay GJ affiliate membership
fees for the year ahead as a thank you for his hard work over the years in the
post and help FR through the transition.
ST commented
on the hard work Gavin had put in and a small memento to be presented to him at
the spring outing
discussion on patron’s dinner it was decided that some sort of day should be
arranged as a thank you for their support for the section.
It was
decided that the new structure for meetings would be 5 per year including AGM
BH to compile
a check list for outings this will help with the smooth running throughout the
discussion on papers submitted by John Young and all committee thought it was a
good structure to take us forward.
GB brought
up the possibility about joining with the Ayrshire section for Golf outings, in
general all committee thought it was a good idea, this matter to be discussed
in more detail.
GB suggested
more trade advertising on blog and a charge / donation to be made, price still
to be discussed. ST agreed to word a proposal to all who may be interested.
discussion on encouraging trade members to come to outings, a possibility on
allowing more advertising this being demonstration of machines or giving out of
pamphlets etc.
closed 5.15
thanked those in attendance.
Date of next
meeting to be arranged.