Saturday, 20 September 2014

Patrons Award Nomination 2014

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to recognise the hard work and dedication of a member of your staff.  This award is so much more than just  a jolly to Harrogate and I implore you to consider submitting a nomination for a team member.  Please note that the award is for clubs of all shapes and sizes!!
The Scottish Region provides you with the opportunity to nominate yourself, an employeeor a colleague for the prestigious Patrons Award 2014.  This award recognises the member’s continuing attempt to improve his / her knowledge and skills in greenkeeping by participating in education, training and networking events.  A full list of the criteria for this award is detailed below along with information relating to the prize itself.

An award ceremony will be held at Stirling Golf Club on Wednesday, 10th December 2014 with all of the Scottish Region’s Patrons invited to attend as a thanks for their continued support to our members. 


He/she must be a current member and have continuous membership for the last two years
He/she must be actively participating in BIGGA’s CPD scheme
He/she must be actively participating in education, either through attending industry events, college attendance or other external pursuits
He/she must be actively participating in section events, i.e. seminars, meetings and golf events
He/she could be active in environmental and/or ecological projects on their respective golf course
He/she can be nominated if it is determined that they would benefit from the experience of attending BTME but are unable to do so through financial constraints at their respective club

The Award

A Certificate detailing their accomplishment
An invitation to the Patrons Award lunch in December to receive their certificate
Three night’s bed and breakfast in Harrogate during BTME
Travel expenses to Harrogate
An education budget of £250 for the Continue to Learn programme at BTME

A nomination form for a candidate is attached to this email and can also be found on BIGGA and BIGGA Scotland web-sites.  Forms must be submitted to the Section Secretary no later than 23 September.  The proposer should detail the reasons that a candidate is worthy of the award using the scheme’s criteria with the nominee signing the form in agreement to being nominated for the award and to allow the section to contact BIGGA headquarters to access their Continuing Professional Development records.

The section committee will discuss all nominations at their committee meeting in October before putting the winner forward for confirmation at the Annual General Meeting.

If you would like any further information or to submit a nomination for this award then please contact John Young on his mobile 07776 242120 or by emailing

Link to nomination form 


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